About This Game Before you play Sparkle ZERO please be aware that this game contains no tutorial. You will be left to explore the world alone, learning to climb the evolutionary ladder. The blue whale is the largest living organism on Earth today and can reach a length of 33 meters. Evolution comes a long way to develop such large and powerful organisms and that evolutionary journey always starts from much smaller creatures, like those the Blue Whale now eats; which can be up to 4 tons a day. Go back to the beginning of evolution. Start from ZERO and become the smallest creature – a spark of life - which has endless development paths ahead of it. Your task is to find food, which helps to grow and develop. But be careful, you are not alone on your climb to the evolutionary peak. Many other organisms also fight for the same resources and development opportunities. Evolution is rich in variations, some of which are not favorable for survival, leading to defeat by better suited organisms. Be the best, the biggest and the most efficient. Become the ultimate sparkle of them all. Fill the gallery of amazing creatures – the results of countless evolutionary variations. - Visionary graphics - Amazing atmosphere highlighted by mood music - A complex evolution system for organisms with; - Variety of organisms that populate the different layers of the world - Gallery of the most interesting sparkles 7aa9394dea Title: Sparkle ZEROGenre: Action, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:MMEUPublisher:Forever Entertainment S. A.Release Date: 14 Mar, 2016 Sparkle ZERO Usb Download Big fan of the whole Sparkle series, scooped this one up with a coupon. Takes about an hour to beat the whole game if you've played Sparkle before--I ended up leaving the game running another hour to harvest the bonus trading cards. It's minimalist on the details and gameplay, but very relaxing for the eyes and ears. This installment does not have the option to customize the evolution of your sparkle's DNA like in Evo and Genisis. 6.5\/10. If "Sparkle 2 Evo" is recommended and "Sparkle 3 Genesis" not recommended: Sparkle ZERO is somewher inbetween but in direction of S3GWhat's cons:- MiniMap (Since its transparent and all points white, if something in front (especially an oversized Sparkle), you are not able to read MM)- Colors (There are only 3 colors Black, Green and White)- POV (If your Sparkle grows out of screen the POV stays the saame, thats kinda lame)- No Boss Fights (Sparkle 2 Evo had best boss fights in the series)- No Story, no side missions- No Skills, nor "Red\/Green\/Blue" Elements (With that being said you sparkle grows one way, but at the end it changes between 4-5 end forms, but since its out of screen...)- No Competetiv (I would really like "Sparkle 2 Evo" or "Sparkle ZERO" with multiplayer, it would be similiar to agar.io)What's pros:- 1 hour game! xD- Gallery (you can take a photo (when you pause the game, you'll see the option) of your current sparkle evolution stage, then view it in the main menu with an rotating camera) (But since the only colors Black\/Green\/White are, well... you'll not see much)- Controller support (Tho navigating through menu is clunky, tho ingame it works excellent)- Easy and Fast Achievements[k]In Conclusion: Sparkle 2 Evo was the most enjoyable game in the series, yet.[[\/k] But if you'r an Achievement Hunter or Badges Collecter, consider to buy all 3 games. Eazy Peazy, Fast to complete and cheap.. tldr1.) Thumbs UP because it doesn't suck outright and I like the Sparkle franchise. 2.) Don't buy this game for full price.3.) Easy and fast 100% achis.Very simple, very short. If you like driving around and eating everything you come across as a single player game, this game might be for you. Controls literally (and entirely) consist of "hold left mouse button and steer" with occasional attempts to find a way through annoying indesctuctible items. I can't imagine why they made it controller compatible, but hey, it'll appeal to some hairless apes.I have to give a solid :thumb: to this game if you can get it in a bundle, but you'll spend more time idling out the cards than you will getting all the achievements and "winning" the game by becoming the biggest sparkle ("...or ARE you...?" - which is literally the endgame text before a persistent whitescreen fades in. Forever. Further, the ESC menu is also pure white, and now can't be navigated, so you have to ALT+TAB out to kill the app.Yep, that's three intentional spoilers... but you read them anyway, and now know how it all ends, you poor sap.With that as the "Ultimate" commentary, this game just ain't worth the price tag of $5, and bears *nothing* even remotely similar to the satisfying organism development guidance that Sparkle2 held.Pros- fast 100% achievements- inoffensive and relaxing "stoned" ambiance- minor puzzle solving (i.e. "hit things twice so you can eat the parts they break into," and "some things can't be eaten")Cons- fast 100% achievements means extra time spent idling cards, if you care about that- inoffensive "stoned" ambiance isn't something interesting past the first 5 minutes. Also, it's not metal... boooo!- minor puzzle solving (i.e. "your neighbor's annoying illiterate kid with Down's Syndrome can probably figure it out with one finger up his nose")pure 5\/10 - effort was put in, but nothing special was achieved... you get the trophy for showing up MMEU.. 'Sparkle ZERO' is a casual game. A controller is recommended to play this game but not absolutely necessary. You control a sea-dwelling creature called a sparkle. The only thing you need to do is swim around and eat everything you can. The more you eat, the larger your sparkle becomes. When you reach the maximum size (level 50), the game ends. Your sparkle will look different depending on the type of food you eat the most. Unlike the other Sparkle games, there is no color to differentiate the types of food, and no tutorial or explanation of the mechanics, so I'm not sure how you're supposed to know what to eat to become the type of creature you prefer. I ended up just devouring everything and suppose I became an average sparkle, the 'omnivore' of 'Sparkle 2 Evo'.'Sparkle ZERO' is not a colorful game like the other Sparkle games. Look at the screenshots. It's practically a game in black & white. The music is rather weird: it came and went as if someone was slowly turning the volume of my speakers all the way down and then back up to where it was, and repeated this the whole time. Steam tells me I played the game for 87 minutes. In that time, I finished the game and got all the achievements. So it's a very short experience. It didn't need to be any longer, because the last 10 minutes or so I was getting bored with it already and just kept playing until the game ended, to get that last achievement to pop.I noticed two technical issues, as well: - when using a controller: after you opened any of the menu options and go back to the main menu, you can't navigate anymore (pressing 'up' or 'down' on the controller does nothing), so you have to use the mouse to navigate the menu;- when the game ends, the screen becomes white and freezes like that. You need to force a shutdown of the game by using the task bar (or maybe alt + F4 works too, I didn't try).I don't think I'll be recommending this game. I bought it for only 99 cents and enjoyed it for what is was, but it's way too short for its full price and 'Sparkle 2 Evo' is a better alternative because it's more colorful and more varied. If you like this sort of game and can buy it heavily discounted, it'll bring you about an hour and a half of fun and an easy 100% achievements, but that's it. I see no reason to play this game twice.. TL;DR Cons outweigh the Pros, while the game is fun for a minute or two it's ultimately bland and not worth the money. Sorry devs. Time to give this a real review, now that I've beaten the game. I'll start with the pros;- Simple gameplay- Nice atmosphere\/ beautiful graphics- Eat ****, get bigger; really fun to watchNow the cons....so many cons.....- No tutorial, not even a simple menu to show basic commands. Took me 5 minutes trying to get through my first portal before I gave up and googled it. For those wondering, it's the "R" key or scroll the mouse wheel down.- Bumpers. F***ing BUMPERS. They exist just to ruin your day. They make you want to strangle whatever idiot thought it would be a good idea to make these. I don't mind a challenge, but those F******* BUMPERS. I would suggest the devs balance these so they're not as aggresive, just my opinion. - Eating speed. Everytime you eat a little cube your sparkle's mouth closes for a second and he can't eat, then it opens and... you get it (except when eating enemy remains, those are how it should be). Now this alone wouldn't be annoying, but the devs made these little lines of cubes everywhere for you to follow that lead to cube fields or enemies. Problem is, your 'sparkle' moves juuuuust fast enough and eats juuuuuust slow enough that you have to hesitate at every cube i.e you can't just swim through the line to your objective and gobble the cubes as you go. It gets old....fast. - It's bland. While the atmosphere is nice there's really nothing to do but eat cubes and attack the 2 types of enemies. Bland.- Enemies die too easily, everything is a 2 hit kill. Jellyfish (?), 2 hits. Giant sparkle as big as you, 2 hits. It would be better if the other sparkles got more health the bigger they got, more of a real challenge.- No replayability. Once you've seen the first level, that IS the whole game. Once you've beaten it you have no reason to play it again. - It's short. Completed it in roughly 1 hour, I think. (play time is higher because I let it idle for a while). A neat spore-esque title where you play a microbe and eat other small things and grow bigger. Pretty self explanitory and impossible to fail id imagine. Even attempting to harm a bigger enemy simply bounces you away. I couldnt find a way to die or shrink in gameplay. Visually pretty good looking and sounding chill as always with a smooth synth soundtrack. Can be beat in an hour, 11 steam supported achievements and badges. Win win for me. Easy completion title with nice visuals and sounds. Decent time dump.. Fun and colourful and the art style is good. The game is repeatative and there is not much gameplay mechanics though but I still enjoyed 2-3 hours playing it. :) Buy it on sales :D
Sparkle ZERO Usb Download
Updated: Mar 11, 2020